From today, the penalty for violating Dubai's new traffic laws can be up to Dh100,000

In Dubai, among the worst traffic infractions for which drivers must pay Dh50,000 to have their vehicles returned to them include reckless driving and running red lights. The Dubai traffic legislation has undergone a number of changes, some of which are now in effect as of today, July 6.

Read also: Emirates ID Fines Check Online

The new law stipulates that releasing automobiles seized for the following offences requires payment of a Dh50,000 fine.

riding a motorbike for fun on a paved road.

  • driving carelessly or in a way that puts people or property in danger.
  • breaching a red light.
  • driving a car with a fraudulent, falsified, covered, or illegally applied licence plate.
  • purposefully causing an accident with or damage to a police vehicle
  • driving a car while under the age of 18
  • Participating in a road race without prior police approval may result in a more serious fine of Dh100,000 and will prevent confiscated vehicles from being released.

10000 Dh fine

In the meanwhile, the following offences that result in a car being seized can only be remedied by paying Dh10,000:

  • Making significant changes to the vehicle that cause it to operate or be driven with more speed, noise, or disturbances
  • eluding the law
  • driving a car without proper identification
  • drivers congregating to watch races, take part in hysterical after-race events, or display their autos on the road
  • exceeding the maximum permitted tint for car windows or improperly tinting the front windscreen

If the total amount of traffic fines exceeds Dh6,000, Dubai Police may also administratively impounded a car. After the owner has paid the issued traffic fines, the impounded car will be freed.

Dubai's new traffic laws
Dubai's new traffic laws

The owner of the car will be required to pay Dh50 for each additional day the vehicle remains impounded if they do not pick up the impounded vehicle by the end of the impoundment period.

Release conditions for vehicles

Vehicles impounded may be released once they have satisfied the following requirements:

  • all fines owed on the car as listed in the traffic file have been paid
  • Correction of the infraction or elimination of its root causes
  • any further circumstances established by Dubai Police

Deportation and other actions

In addition to the fines and other sanctions outlined by the law currently in effect in Dubai, a non-UAE national operating a heavy vehicle through a red light will also be administratively expelled from the country.

If a vehicle is impounded again within a year of the same offence for which it was previously impounded, the initial impoundment period will be doubled, providing the impoundment duration does not exceed 90 days.

If the car is imprisoned again within a year after the initial incident of the same infraction, the price to be paid for its release will be quadrupled, provided that it does not exceed Dh200,000.

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