In Abu Dhabi, the number of blood donors increased by 40%

The World Health Organisation states that every nation's national health care policy and infrastructure should include the provision of safe and sufficient blood.

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According to data acquired by Abu Dhabi Blood Bank Services, the number of blood donors in Abu Dhabi last year increased impressively by 41% over 2021.

The World Health Organisation states that every nation's national health care policy and infrastructure should include the provision of safe and sufficient blood. According to figures from the WHO, 118.54 million blood donations are made worldwide, with 40% occurring in high-income nations.

Recently, 30 frequent blood donors and 25 organisations that have given vital support to blood bank services in the emirate were recognised by the Department of Health - Abu Dhabi (DoH), in association with Abu Dhabi Blood Bank Services. Dr. Noura Khamis Al Ghaithi, the Undersecretary of the DoH, attended the occasion. The department has stressed that giving blood is a kind deed that helps save patients' lives.

Data from Abu Dhabi Blood Bank Services show that in 2022, 47,841 persons will donate blood. The blood donors helped save the lives of numerous patients by contributing to the provision of 59,167 units. 10,041 platelets in total were provided by 1,006 additional donors.

Give to save lives.

Donated blood units help patients who require transfusions, including those who have been in car accidents, in fires, are anaemic (having thalassemia or sickle cell anaemia), have pregnancy complications like ectopic pregnancies or bleeding during labour and delivery, have bleeding disorders (having haemophilia), are undergoing surgery, have cancer, are undergoing organ transplants, or have neonatal transplants with complications.

advantages for contributors

Donors have many health advantages, including the ability to identify potential health issues, lower blood iron levels, increase the production of blood cells, lower cholesterol levels, and risk of heart, liver, and cancer disorders.

Who may give?

Community people between the ages of 18 and 65 who are in excellent health and who are not being treated by a doctor for any major issues may donate. They must weigh at least 50 kilogrammes and have gone 56 days without donating blood.

Where can I give?

Three blood banks are run by SEHA in the emirate: Al Ain (03-7074567), Abu Dhabi (02-8191700), and Al Dhafra (02-8072887).

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